Labels:bulletin board | daily | gazette | poster | sky OCR: Footpa ths of Northern England Wales Days F1y London Day Walking tour of the Uni- ver sity coll eges and chapels of Cambridge Continue tc York Day Morning wa iking tour of York Afternoon visit to Hawort th former home of the Bronte sisters Continue to the Yorks shire Dales Day Hike along scenic section the Pennine Way in the York shire Dales Day Six- -mile walk along sec tion Hadrian's Wa1l Days Exploring the Lake District with hikes around the lakeshores and an optional l hike up Scafell. Days 10 -11: Hiking in Snowdonia National Park including hike u.p Mount Snowdon We also visit Conwy and Caernar von Castles Day Visit Harlech Castle then drive to the Black Mount tains Day 3: Morning hike Afternoon drive thi rough the Cots wolds and p.ox returning London Day Fly nome colleg Haworth Wall